Next Workshop Scheduled: Oct 27 - Nov 5, 2021
The last workshop in January, The Winter Landscape, was virtual, and so there were no new pictures to share. As a result, I never said how it went. So, here’s the report: it sold out quickly, and so another set of dates was added for late Feb, 2021. The second event sold out as well.
Virtual events are, well, facsimiles of the real thing, right? This is what I thought. I quickly discovered the benefits, mainly in that people from anywhere can attend, and desktop & workspace can be shared out for realtime demo. In this sense, I found the venue to be more effective and efficient with regard to direct and hands-on instruction. But missing the full in-person third dimension and experience, of course.
We were going to try an in-person workshop for this fall, but it appears we are not quite out of the pandemic woods yet, so we punted to 2022. In the meantime, a new virtual workshop has been put together and posted. This event will focus specifically on the tools and workflows involved in various approaches to digital black and white processing.
While I would like to spend more time out travelling and shooting, the reality is that a significant investment of my time in photography is spent at the computer. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, unless I’m floundering around and wondering if I’m “doing it right.” My own workflow is constantly evolving and growing. The workshop will therefore offer views on image processing in general as well as provide a hard look at the broad selection of available tools, with a mind toward growing confidence in one’s selected software and workflow.
Thanks for support go to Leica Akademie USA, LHSA - The International Leica Society and those special folks in my network, you know who you are :)